Visit to Beacon View Primary School in Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain
On Thursay 4 September 2014, the READ to RISE team visited Beacon ViewPrimary School in Beacon Valleyin Mitchells Plain to read with 220 Grade 2 learners at 5 classes. We visited the school in November 2013 to give out copies of OAKY AND THE SUN to their Grade 2 and 3 learners. We were impressed to learn that some of the children had read OAKY AND THE SUN already because their brother or sister had the book or the teacher had read the book to them - so wonderful to hear that our books are been read and shared with siblings. This is evidence that having a book in the househol, does indeed increase reading. Nonetheless, the children were excited to get their very own copy of OAKY AND THE SUN to take home. We even surprised them with bookmarks which were made by Old Mutual staff on Mandela Day. Thank you to our Readers from Taurus School Solutions - Kevin, Mike, Nicholas and Roscoe who did a great job reading with the children and teaching them about the parts of a tree and how an acorn grows to become a big oak tree. As always, the children are excited to see Taryn, the illustrator of OAKY AND THE SUN.
Thank you to our other generous sponsors. The books were sponsored by Nooitgedacht Pers, Sappi, Alpha Graphics and Shumani Mills.